RFF Application Form 2022

Reading Fringe Festival is back…

The dates for the Reading Fringe Festival 2022 are from 28th to 30th October 2022.

We are very much looking forward to receiving your application!

If you have any questions about costs, splits and venues please do have a look at our website FAQs.

Any questions not answered by the website, please contact the Producer Sarah Stuffins on producer@readingfringefestival.co.uk

DEADLINE: 23:59 on Monday 4th July 2022

About You

About Your Act

Please choose all that apply (tick boxes)
Please list any reviews you have for this act or if none any reviews for previous shows performed by the company
Please provide the company or act social media links e.g. facebook, twitter, youtube etc (please do not provide personal facebook pages unless relevant to the act)
Please provide here a detailed description of the act (there is no word limit, this is for RFF only so please provide as much information as you can). We can accept live streamed or pre recorded NEW digital performances, please specify if that is what you are submitting.
If the act is unperformed original writing, RFF requires applicants to send a copy of the script for consideration before making a decision. Please upload your script to an online sharing site such as dropbox or google drive and paste the link below.
Please provide an age range for your target audience, e.g. 3-5 yrs, 8+, 15+, 18+ etc.
Please tell us why you want to perform at the Reading Fringe Festival

Technical and production

Please provide here the technical requirements for your show and the set design (we appreciate this may change between now and the Festival), noting which items you will be providing/bringing to the fringe yourself if known. This will help us decide which venues are most suitable for your act. Please note acceptance of your application is not an agreement by RFF to provide any items you have requested. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NEED TO BRING ANY CABLES / CONNECTIONS TO ACCOMPANY ANY EQUIPMENT YOU BRING.
Please provide the total number of performers in the act
Please provide the total number of production team attending the fringe including: directors, producers, technicians etc.
All acts must be insured and hold their own PLI to be able to perform. Please let us know your current PLI cover.

Availability and venues

Publicity and photography

Publicity Image
Please paste a link to your publicity image (you can upload the image to a file sharing website and post the link below). We appreciate that your image may change after application but please send us your most recent image. This image must be of print quality for use in our programme and website (if you are unsure please send the image you have and we will contact you if it needs tweaking). You may link to multiple images for multiple media, please place links on new lines - For print, 300dpi, Minimum 500px X 500px.
We aim to photograph a number of RFF shows. If you would like us to consider your show for photography, please indicate here. However, we cannot guarantee attendance. Please note that photos will be used for RFF publicity purposes.